我和老公也相继病倒, 因为睡眠不足。
最近问他要不要去厕所? 要不要去洗手? 要不要去冲凉?
他都摇头, 然后跑掉。
不过, 要是我问他“ 要不要跟妈妈一起冲凉?”
和孩子一起冲, 1来省时间, 2来方便, 3来这是很好的性教育。
我和阳阳几乎每天都一起冲凉, 他很喜欢, 觉得很新鲜吧?
一开始我是觉得有点害羞的, 过后就很适应了。
阳阳刚开始时就一脸疑惑地盯着我看, 看得我心里发毛,怪怪的感觉。
现在好点了, 有时还会帮我擦沐浴露。
以前阳阳给家婆顾的时候, 家里有个小女孩,
阳阳学到了她, 现在都蹲着尿尿, 整个女孩子样。
我叫老公去示范给他看, 教他正确的方式,
他竟然说有人看着, 他会尿不出来。
偶尔阳阳也会站着尿( 他不肯坐potty), 可能是尿到脚吧,
HBSE 10th Syllabus 2021- Haryana Board has released the revised syllabus of the HBSE 10th 2021 exams. Students can check HBSE Syllabus for Class 10 exams on the official website, bseh.org.in. Haryana Board 10th syllabus 2021 is available for all the subjects namely English, Physical Education, Home Science, Mathematics, Science, etc. Students preparing for HBSE 10th 2021 board exams can check subject-wise important topics in HBSE 10th syllabus 2021. BSEH 10th Syllabus pdf Knowing the HBSE Syllabus for Class 10 helps students reducing their efforts and time in figuring out what to prepare for board exams. Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE) will conduct class 10th board exams from April 22 to May 12, 2021. Students are advised to go through the HBSE 10th syllabus 2021 carefully and make sure that no topic is left unprepared. Read the HBSE 10th syllabus 2021-22 to get the details of subject-wise topics that need to be covered.